Monday 21 September 2020

TestRX’s All New Muscle-Building Formula

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TestRX’s All New Muscle-Building Formula

If you’re heard of TestRX, you know what it does. TestRX is a natural testosterone booster. As that description implies, it’s designed to boost testosterone, without needles, and help guys feel like they’re in their 20s, with more energy, less fat storage, more muscle and higher sex drive.

Yet a funny thing happened with TestRX. A lot of guys bought the popular low T booster specifically to get bigger muscles. And why not? Testosterone encourages protein synthesis and fuels muscle growth. Yet it’s natural, and that gives men an option to get bigger muscles without steroids.

So TestRX did something that guys are now applauding; TestRX is now a bodybuilding supplement, with an all-new testosterone boosting formula that gives men more energy, faster recovery, and bigger muscles as a result.

And don’t tell everyone, but it may also increase your sex drive and stamina. The new TestRX formula is the following:

Fenugreek – Fenugreek may help you lose weight. A 2010 study found this popular herb from India and the Arabic region helped 30 guys lose fat and boost testosterone. That testosterone had high bioavailability too, which means the body can use it more efficiently.

Vitamin D3 – Vitamin D3 is linked to 25% higher testosterone. Yes, it’s the sunshine vitamin, and assists with better calcium absorption, but this fat-soluble vitamin is also a testosterone booster, as evidenced by a 2011 study that found it increased this muscle-building hormone in 165 non-diabetic volunteers.

Vitamin K2 – Just call Vitamin K2 your testosterone preserver – a study conducted in 2011 found this group of compounds helped boost testosterone in the testes. It may also reduce bone loss, and appears to have cardiovascular benefits as well.

Vitamin B6 – One of the B vitamins, Vitamin B6 is responsible for a variety of health functions in the body. A 1984 study suggests it influences testosterone and other steroid hormones, possibly by recycling receptors from the nucleus to cytosol after initial translocation.

Magnesium – Magnesium may be the ultimate energy drink – it’s the second most common electrolyte in the body and helps deliver oxygen to your muscles. This is strengthened by a 1998 study which found this essential dietary mineral ‘substantially’ reduced time for extreme athletes to finish triathlon-like training.

Magnesium appears to alter how the body uses glucose when exposed to extreme physical stress, so athletes have better performance when things get real. Additionally, it’s linked to increased strength as well.

Zinc – You know zinc as an aphrodisiac, and indeed, this is what helps make TestRX a virility booster. But zinc is poetry for your testosterone too, according to a 2006 study which found this essential micronutrient helped wrestlers get their T back after exhaustion. More enjoyable, a 1981 study shows zinc makes guys more, uh, ‘randy’ and ‘capable’ in the bedroom.

D-Aspartic Acid – You have no idea the power of D-Aspartic Acid. This amino acid boosts testosterone and then some, according to a 2009 study, which found D-AA boosted testosterone, HGH and Luteinizing Hormone (LH). That translates to fun in bed, according to another study – this one in 2012, which found D-AA boosted testosterone in guys between 30% and 60%.

Virility increased as well in that study, in case you were wondering.

In short, TestRX bodybuilding supplement is made with high-octane natural ingredients that boost testosterone and increase muscle growth, boost strength, help guys lose weight and recover faster. Consider it your legal edge for testosterone in the gym – TestRX can give you sex and muscles. If you’re man enough to claim that edge, step up and order TestRX now.

Click Here To Get TestRX!

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