Monday 21 September 2020

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Say Goodbye to Wrinkles and Laugh Lines Forever

It's funny how your age can surprise you when you look in the mirror in the morning. You don't really 'feel' any older than twenty but the face looking back to you, can be quite a shock. How in the world did you get so old? Where in the world did all those wrinkles and shocking laugh lines come from? It feels like just yesterday that you had smooth, clear, ageless skin. But luckily for you, you can soon look as young as you feel. By using Kollagen Intensiv just twice a day for 30 days you will soon be saying goodbye to wrinkles and laugh lines forever.

The unique anti-aging cream and moisturizer works with your skin's own ability to speed up the cellular renewal process by mimicking the natural production of collagen. It keeps your skin looking more youthful and radiant.

It also reduces signs of aging through several amazing ways. It plumps up your skin on your face which gives you a more youthful appearance. Kollagen Intensiv also softens and conditions your skin at the same time. By using it twice a day, it also reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Using it after your cleanser, helps to remove dead skin cells as well. Your skin will appear thicker therefore giving you a younger look. Your laugh lines and crow's feet will appear diminished as well those unsightly dark under eye circles and puffiness will be reduced. Your skin will look lighter and you will definitely feel younger!

Kollagen Intensiv is specially designed to visibly improve skin's overall elasticity and flexibility while promoting higher levels of moisture retention on the cellular level for a more youthful appearance. Kollagen Intensiv has been clinically proven to reduce appearance of wrinkles by up to 354%. This amazing anti aging cream contains the patented peptide, SYN®-COLL, which has been clinically proven to:

  • Increase your skin's natural production of collagen
  • Reduce the appearance of even the deepest lines and wrinkles
  • Firm and tone the skin for a more youthful appearance
  • Moisturize and hydrate the skin
  • Help repair damage including age spots and sun damage

In a clinical study, volunteers who applied SYN®-COLL twice daily for 84 days reported a 354% improvement in the overall appearance of their wrinkles. Also it was proven that skin texture was improved by an amazing 201

What more proof do you need?

There really is no reason to tolerate wrinkles and laugh lines any longer. By using the amazing Kollagen Intensiv just twice a day, you will see a definite change in your skin – a change for the better. You will look just as young as you feel when you look in the mirror. And isn't that what it is all about? Why look older than you feel. Purchase your 3 months supply of Kollagen Intensiv today and you will receive one month free. There is no need to wait another day. Order your anti-aging cream today and start look younger tomorrow!

For more information, please visit the Kollagen Intensiv Homepage.

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Dermefface FX 7™ by Skinception Scar Reduction Therapy

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What is a Scar Treatment Cream?

Scars tell a story of damaged skin and an event that caused such trauma to the body. Scarring indicates that the wound has healed. In that sense, it's like your body is telling you it's put the past behind and it's ready to move on.

But the body and the mind are two different creatures.

While physical scarring is rarely a health concern, it can affect one's confidence. And on those summer days, or in the intimacy of one's bedroom, they're unflattering reminders where the body has been and can reduce once-sexy skin to an exterior that's, well, scarred.

A scar treatment cream fades scars, including those that are still in formation and scars that are well-established. Having said that, a developing scar, typically within the first six months of the wound, stands the best chance of dramatic fading.

Scars: The Why and The How

Scars form when skin has been traumatized. The greater severity of the injury, the more likely the scar will be prominent. Common causes of scars include:

  • acne
  • chicken pox
  • burns
  • injury
  • surgery
  • child-birth by caesarian section

Striae, better known as stretch marks, are a common form of scarring caused by pregnancy, though scarring can take many shapes and be substantially more noticeable than the thin striations of stretch marks.

When skin is damaged, it goes through a four-stage healing process characterized by:

Hemostasis - During which blood clots over the wound

Inflammation - When the body removes bacteria, foreign particles and damaged cells from the wound

Proliferation - The point at which skin cells spread, covering the wound and a key role in the healing process

Remodeling - When the scar forms, with the new collagen matrix formed and cross-linked

This is a simplified telling of the scarring process, of course, and these stages can overlap at various points. Depending on the origin and severity of the injury, a scar can take two years to develop.

To visibly fade a scar, it helps to treat the wound while it's still recovering. If you can apply a scar removal cream, like Dermefface FX7 Scar Reduction Therapy within three months of the injury, the greater your chance of minimizing the scar.

What to Look For in a Scar Treatment Cream

Scar treatment creams are products that incorporate antioxidants and botanicals with patented peptides like ProCollOne+ to stimulate natural collagen production, slough off dead skin cells and replace them with healthy, normal and, notably, undamaged skin cells.

A scar removing cream involves the subcutaneous, dermis and epidermis tissue. Working with the skin's 28-day regeneration process, it's designed to strike a delicate balance between the skin-strengthening collagen I and the skin-healing collagen III.

The latter point cannot be understated, because too much collagen can add size and discoloration to an already developing scar. Yet if there's not enough collagen as the scar develops, the scar will be vulnerable to reinjury.

To achieve this balance of collagen production, it's advisable to choose a scar reduction cream formulated with patented peptides, such as ProCollOne+, which is clinically proven to stimulate natural collagen production by up to 1,190%.

Also consider that antioxidants and natural moisturizers, including niacinamide, beta glucan and hydrolyzed soybean fiber can gently expedite the skin regeneration process, for optimum skin health and a vibrancy that can't be achieved with laser treatments or steroids.

Should you be interested in a scar removing cream, consider Dermefface FX7 Scar Reduction Therapy by Skinception, which in addition to meeting the prerequisites described above, is reported to show visible reduction of scars after just four weeks of use.

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Illuminatural 6i Skin Brightener Review

Skin products do very well at the cash register. Let's face it, skin is sexy. And one of the top sellers in this lucrative industry are skin brightening products, which, as you'd expect, brighten the skin.

The problem with most skin brightening products is that they're laden with dangerous chemicals and toxic agents, including steroids, hyrdoquinone and especially mercury. Enter the natural skin brightener, a skin lightening product formulated with botanicals and natural exfoliants.

Illuminatural 6i by the Skinception line of skin care products is one of the few skin brighteners available today with no toxic ingredients or dangerous chemicals in its formula. Customer reviews thus far, as with most products by Skinception, have been positive.

What Illuminatural 6i Does

A skin lightener is designed to lighten the skin, for a more even complexion and with reduced visibility of skin blemishes. With that in consideration, Illuminatural 6i is designed to reduce the appearance of:

  • moles
  • age spots
  • freckles
  • birth marks
  • sun damage
  • acne scars
  • melasma

  • To achieve this, a skin lightener must inhibit the tyrosinase enzyme 

      that stimulates the melanocyte skin cells that produce melanin – the dark pigment. Excessive melanin is responsible for skin blotchiness, uneven skin tone and dark spots. Excess melanin can also be called hyperpigmentation.

      In addition, a skin lightener needs to exfoliate the dark pigmented cells to encourage newer, bright skin cells to reach the outermost layer of skin, the epidermis.

      Illuminatural 6i is designed to perform both of these functions – inhibit the enzyme responsible for hyperpigmentation and exfoliate the skin in a safe yet effective manner. Thus far, consumer reviews indicate it's a less painful and more convenient way to exfoliate the skin than by using a chemical peel.

        The Formula

        Illuminatural 6i is a natural skin lightener. As such, it consists primarily of gentle skin lighteners, plant-derived active ingredients and natural exfoliants. Of the more notable ingredients in its formula, you'll find:

        Niacinamide â€“ A form of vitamin B3, niacinamide is involved in over 200 enzymatic reactions and can significantly reduce hyperpigmentation, often in less than a month.

        Alpha-Arbutin â€“ Derived from berries and fruits, alpha-arbutin is proven to reduce melanin by up to 70% and is a safer, more natural alternative to common skin bleachers. In a chinese study, researchers found that women who used alpha-arbutin experienced 60% more skin lightening effects than achieved with hydroquinone.

        Beta Glucan â€“ Considered a natural alternative to Botox, beta glucan helps natural turn over of dead skin cells and promotes health of macrophages, which are the cells that destroy dead or mutated skin cells.

          Should You Buy Illuminatural 6i?

          If you have skin blemishes, dark spots, uneven complexion and you'd like to do something about it, you might consider Illuminatural 6i as a safe and natural alternative to most skin lightening products on the market today.

          You might also take comfort in knowing that it's offered by Skinception, a well-known brand of popular skin care products that blend natural ingredients with patented peptides and that keep paraben content to a minimum.

          Reviews will be ongoing with Illuminatural 6i, of course, and it remains to be seen whether consumers will flock to Illuminatural or continue with common, if not riskier skin lightening products.

          But it is encouraging to know that there is now a natural skin lightening product on the market, that delivers what it claims, with a notable reduction in skin blemishes and brighter, more even complexion, and that reviews so far are very positive about Illuminatural 6i..

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Vigorelle and Sex For Senior Women

Throw out any preconceptions you have about seniors and desire. According to a new study, the senior sex drive is alive and kicking. In fact, if we're to believe the findings of a new study, it's thriving.

Admittedly, it's not a ground-breaking conclusion that people want more sex. And as the researchers expected, health took a bite out of the libido. Higher BMI, heart attacks, depression and arthritis were among the ailments that contributed to a decrease in sexual activity.

And there are challenges to sex among seniors, among which, vaginal dryness is an issue. Fortunately, there's a natural and effective remedy for that, in Vigorelle.

But it is encouraging to know that the sex drive marches forward, regardless of age. Take care of it and you'll be a sex-lovin' senior.

About the Study

The study, conducted as part of the Women's Health Initiative, consisted of 27, 357 women between 50 and 79. And as the researchers expected, sexual activity decreased with age.

Roughly half of the women in the survey reported having sex in the past year at the start of the study. That number was higher, at 70%, for women who were married or with a regular partner.

What the researchers didn't expect was that, of the women who reported dissatisfaction with their sex lives, 57% wanted more sex, not less.

The study is revolutionary in the sense that it's the first proof that women are not content with the lack of sex that often accompanies menopause. And this contradicts previous assumptions, among which that if vaginal dryness was an issue, desire would falter.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Has Little Impact

The study also illustrates that hormone replacement therapy has declined in popularity, and that it was not likely to increase frequency of sexual activity.

As the researchers noted, women who were on HRT at the start of the study reported higher levels of sexual frequency than those who were not. However, they were surprised to discover that the women assigned to take HRT as part of the study were not more likely to have regular sex as women taking placebo pills.

The researchers also noted that use of hormone replacement therapy has declined since the Women's Health Initiative - the same organization that conducted the study - released its findings in 2002 that combined progestin and estrogen therapy may come with significant health risks, including heart attacks, strokes and even breast cancer.

Gels: A Woman's Best Friend?

Another key finding of the study was that most of the women suffered from vaginal dryness. And yet, as many women avoided hormone pills, they either abstained from sex or simply had sex with discomfort.

And they noted that vaginal atrophy - loss of vaginal tissue and muscle tone - was an issue for many women with dryness. In a case of 'Use it or Lose it', the less a woman had sex, the greater loss of sexual function and enjoyment of sex.

Fortunately, while hormone pills have declined in popularity, vaginal creams are designed to treat dryness and make sex pleasurable. And among them, Vigorelle is a leader.

Unlike most drugstore lubricants, Vigorelle consists of natural ingredients, including l- arginine, ginkgo biloba and suma root. Designed for women with sensitive skin, Vigorelle comes with no harmful pharmaceuticals like nonoxynol-9. Water-based and condom-compatible, it's ideal for instant arousal.

What's more, Vigorelle is highly sensual. Add a little Vigorelle and OO LA LA.

Fighting dryness has never been more enjoyable and rarely as safe. Put some Vigorelle in your life, and going by the results of the study, you'll spend more time doing pleasurable things in bed than sleeping, whether you're 53 or 90!

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ProExtender™ verses Penis Pumps

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ProExtender™ verses Penis Pumps

Choosing the best device for penis enlargement

Over the past few decades men have solved their problems temporarily using whatever technology has been available. Since the 70’s men have been buying vacuum penis pumps as a solution to erection problems and as a means to penis enlargement. Although the penis pump is well known, popular, and effective, there are even newer and far more effective devices now available.

With the introduction of ‘penis traction devices’, the world of mechanical penis enlargement has taken a quantum leap forward. Clinical research and testing has resulted in the creation of penis traction devices that have the capacity to increase the volume of the corpus cavernosa, the structures in the penis responsible for erection.

Where before these mechanical devices (like vacuum pumps) were only a temporary fix, a permanent penis enlargement solution is now being made available through devices like the ProExtender™.

How the penis pump works

Most penis pumps work using the vacuum principle: by removing the air around the penis the reverse pressure pulls extra blood form the body into the corpus cavernosa (erectile bodies of the penis), increasing the size of the erection, often to enormous proportions.

The basic penis pump is operated by first securing an air-tight tube around the base of the penis. Once the seal has been made, most of the air which surrounds it is slowly pumped out using an electric or hand pump. The chamber is never a total vacuum, but by slowly reducing the pressure the penis can expand well beyond its normal size.

The difficulty is only that a plastic or rubber ring is usually needed to prevent an immediate loss of size once the tube is removed. The gains are temporary, and most users find penis pumps more useful for ‘pleasure pumping’ than for actual gains in penis size.

How the ProExtender™ works

ProExtender™ works using the principle of traction to cause the body to create new tissue that lengthens and thickens the penis. By applying a constant, gentle stretch to the penis tissues the ProExtender™ causes the body to actually create new tissue to reweave the pressure. This same technology has been used for centuries by native peoples to modify the human body, and by modern surgeons to create and expand tissues for reconstructive surgery.

Operation is very basic, with the device being attached to the penis much the same way as the penis pump, except without tube. The device also attaches a soft rubber ring around the head of the penis. The device is then tightened slightly, and a gentle tension is placed on the penis.

The amount of time spent and amount of tension applied are the two primary factors that determine how fast the penis will grow. Many men also choose to use penis enlargement supplements to increase the effects, such as with the ProExtender System™.

Making it permanent

Achieving an increase in penis size is the major goal for buyers of these devices. The continued use of penis pumps speaks to their effectiveness as a temporary solution. Pumps appear, however, to be mostly limited to gaining a temporary erection for sex.

The ProExtender™ traction device is used as a permanent solution, using established medical techniques. Size gains from traction are clinically tested and proven.


Although it has been suggested that vacuum pumping the penis may result in slight gains in penis size if used constantly over many years, this has not been proven with clinical tests. These devices are fine for temporary penis enlargement. Traction devices like ProExtender™ are the clear choice for permanent penis enlargement.

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Learn How to Give Women What they REALLY want

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Learn How to Give Women What they REALLY want

You know, there really is no great mystery or puzzle to solve when it comes to answering the question, what do women really want in bed. Some websites claim it’s all about the size of your penis, while others say it’s the thickness that counts. Some proclaim they have just the pill you can take to increase performance, while others assure that their cream will make you just the kind of man she wants. But really there is only one ingredient that a real woman wants in her man and that is ‘confidence.’

There is nothing quite like being in the arms of a man who knows what to do, how to do it, and what exactly will turn her on. It really doesn’t matter how tall you are, how good looking you are, or even how much money you have in the bank, but if you don’t know how to make a woman feel like you know exactly what you are doing, then you are lost even before you make eye contact.

Now when talking confidence, we are not talking arrogance, or dominance, or just macho-ness – we are just talking men who are confident in their abilities and that can be subtle but women know it’s there. It’s all in the attitude, and it simply means, don’t worry, I can do this. In bed, a woman wants to know that her man knows exactly what he is doing and even though she may take a turn being the boss from time to time, it’s really up to the man to call the shots and shine where he can shine the best.

So really no matter what the size or shape of your penis, if you have confidence, and know great techniques and are not afraid to just take charge, your woman will feel safe and secure and trust you to know exactly what to do to give her the most pleasure possible. And we all know that pleasuring our women is more than half the fun, because if she is really pleasured then she will be way more willing to do what we want her to do to pleasure us. Now that sounds like a win-win doesn’t it?

But how do you instil this sense of confidence in yourself if you just don’t have it? Well a great place to start is to purchase the For Men Only CD™. Attitude is half the battle and with a good attitude you have a head start. Following the advice and exercise routines laid out in this CD will give you increased knowledge about your penis, it will increase the size of your penis, it will instill more confidence in what to do with your penis and all of that combined with a few secret tips on how to pleasure your woman and you are so on your way down the path of more fun in the bedroom than you have ever had before. The bottom line is this – do whatever you can to increase your confidence inside and outside the bedroom. Take a few risks, challenge yourself and all that will happen will be an increase in your own self esteem and with that you can take on the world. But start by making your woman happier and the rest is a piece of cake.

For more information, go to

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Get Ready for Longer Lasting Erections and Bigger, Better Orgasms

Imagine having the ability to last longer in bed, control your erections, benefit from harder and stronger erections, and then blasting massive amounts of semen all over your partner as you shake and shudder to one of the best orgasms of your life. 

It really doesn’t get much better than that, but how can that be possible without some dangerous prescription drug or expensive treatment?

The answer is actually quite simple: Volume Pills.

Volume Pills offer a unique and never before used natural formulation to allow your body to benefit from powerful erections and explosive orgasms each and every time. If you have ever watched a porn movie and wondered how the men seem to be so thick, hard, and full of semen volume, than this is just the product that you have been looking for.

What exactly makes Volume Pills so Special?

Unlike many of the other male enhancement products on the market, Volume Pills are known for their natural herbal formula that is entirely safe and comes with literally zero side effects. Brand new technology and research has allowed the makers of this revolutionary product to maximize its effect and truly offer consumers the largest number of benefits possible.

To truly understand the effectiveness of these powerful pills, this is one product that you truly do have to try for yourself. While Volume Pills will affect everyone a little differently, there are a number of results and benefits that have simply become expected in all cases.

An increased volume of ejaculation plays a much larger role in the world of sex than many men and women can comprehend. In essence, a male orgasm takes place when all of the muscles in the penile area contract at the same time. The more semen that the muscles have to push out, the more they have to contract, and the longer and harder the orgasms and contractions become. It is that prime reasoning why semen enhancers have become so popular on the market, just be sure that you do not choose a product that contains harmful chemicals simply in hopes of having better orgasms.

Yes it is important to maximize the sexual satisfaction that you feel, and it is incredibly important to make sure that you have the ability to please your partner as much as possible. However, you should never sacrifice the overall health of your body simply in hopes that you will be able to enhance your penis or increase the pleasure that you have in the bedroom. First and foremost should be your health, and sexual satisfaction should come second.

That is something that the manufactures of Volume Pills understand more than anyone else, and is precisely why they worked overtime to create effective and proven male enhancement pills that come with no side effects and zero harmful chemicals.

If you are serious about improving your sex life, enhancing your orgasms, and only putting natural ingredients into your body, then Volume Pills are just what you have been looking for.

Get ready for stronger erections and more powerful orgasms all thanks to one tiny pill.

For more information, go to

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Why Do We Age?

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Why Do We Age?

The fountain of youth - such metaphorical piece of myth that alludes to immortality has been used over and over again on different forms of literature both in the past and in the present. Oftentimes, the fountain of youth's classification as myth is challenged from time to time with some expeditions or travels that claim to have finally found the fountain's location. Nonetheless, this recurring symbol of eternal youth in most forms of literature and art, verifies man's innate affinity with immortality.

In our contemporary setting, this longing for immortality is almost within mankind's grasp with the promise of better technologies and sciences in the near future. However, to completely grasp and understand the means of acquiring eternal life or a very long life span in the very least, one must first see the process behind our aging. This question kept many brilliant scientists hell-bent on searching for clues and theories that may answer such relentless query.

Through the course of these scientific explorations on the realm of human aging, scientists were able to come up with a term that refers to the human aging process - senescence. This term refers to a degeneration implication that manifests itself as people get old. Senescence is believed to be the result of a biochemical deregulation that is a natural component of life.

However, the effects of senescence vary among different species. Take for example a bat and a rodent, both of them are classified as mammals and both are of the same size, but a bat generally lives longer than a rodent for the former can live up to 30 years while the latter usually have a life span of only two to three years. However, some animal species such as rockfish, turtles, and lobsters display a certain trait known as the negligible senescence. This trait enables these specific animal species to live through a longer period of time compared to other species. Some of these species can even live for an unbelievable span of 200 years.

Findings through extensive studies that were carried out by various scientists imply that this peculiar trait is a result of evolutionary and genetic factors that rule over these animals' life longevity. However, scientists still find it hard to assimilate this kind of trait to humans and the reason behind it is fairly simple: we humans live under a completely different environment compared to those animals that possess the negligible senescence trait.

The best that we humans can do for now is to first determine the various factors that fuel the process of aging and to address these factors accordingly. One of the most obvious reasons or factors behind aging is stress. In a nutshell, the dynamics of stress simply say that constant beatings and punishments that our bodies take from everyday tasks lead to hormone disturbance which can ultimately lead to cell damage.

Furthermore, the degeneration of the hypothalamus, a gland that resides in your head, is also one of the determining factors of aging. The hypothalamus is solely responsible for setting the "traffic" of various hormones to other glands. Through the course of time, the hypothalamus becomes weary and tends to be inaccurate in releasing proper amounts of hormone to other glands in the human body. This leads to imbalanced hormone levels which cause damage to tissues.

External factors brought about by the environment are also some of the very viable reasons behind the aging process. Environmental harms such as pollution, radiation, contaminants coupled with self induced stress, and poor nutrition inflict damage on human cells. Significant damage is instantly inflicted upon these cells once they are exposed to such harmful external factors. Cells play a very substantial role on the process of aging because they contain valuable information for the human body's development. Whenever a cell reproduces or divides itself, it makes sure that the new cell is of the same level with the previous cell that it originated from. If that previous cell received any slightest form of damaged from the previously mentioned factors, it will then spawn new cells that possess slightly deformed information sets. This will then start a trend of degenerated cells which leads to what is commonly known as the aging process.

Among these scientific theories that deal with the process of aging the Free Radical Theory tends to be the most popular among contemporary American health buffs. This theory suggests that extremely reactive chemicals, which the term free radicals refer to, are responsible for inflicting damage to the human body's tissues. In general, however, these free radicals are not completely bad for the human body for they also serve numerous purposes for the body's development. But what is damaging to the human body, especially to the tissues, is the free radicals' ability to reproduce itself in excessive amounts. Free radicals are endowed with an extra electron which makes them more capable of stealing electrons from other molecules which they tend to do frequently. This act subsequently leads to a very dangerous cycle that can burnout the cells from constantly repairing damaged molecules.

With these various theories that try to decipher the process of aging, certain medical solutions are also devised to combat the inevitable aging ritual. The most common among these medical solutions are taking vitamin C and vitamin E supplements to combat stress and to balance out the damage induced by free radicals in the body. Another effective method is to lessen your average intake of junk foods and substituting it with healthier food choices such as fruits and vegetables.

One means to combat the toll of aging today is through the consumption of high quality GenF20™ HGH or Human Growth Hormone precursors. The GenF20™ HGH supplement can help to increase energy levels that can make you a lot more productive by enabling you to perform more tasks efficiently. This supplement can also help to lower cholesterol plus help to improve brain, vision, and immune function. These are only some of the capabilities of the GenF20™ HGH supplement in controlling the aging process, but nonetheless the GenF20™ supplement is, by far, the most advanced dietary supplement that can help with the process of aging. These advances that were made in the light of combating factors that leads to premature aging, can truly give reaffirmation in believing that the fountain of youth that every man longs for is truly within reach.


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TestRX’s All New Muscle-Building Formula

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TestRX’s All New Muscle-Building Formula

If you’re heard of TestRX, you know what it does. TestRX is a natural testosterone booster. As that description implies, it’s designed to boost testosterone, without needles, and help guys feel like they’re in their 20s, with more energy, less fat storage, more muscle and higher sex drive.

Yet a funny thing happened with TestRX. A lot of guys bought the popular low T booster specifically to get bigger muscles. And why not? Testosterone encourages protein synthesis and fuels muscle growth. Yet it’s natural, and that gives men an option to get bigger muscles without steroids.

So TestRX did something that guys are now applauding; TestRX is now a bodybuilding supplement, with an all-new testosterone boosting formula that gives men more energy, faster recovery, and bigger muscles as a result.

And don’t tell everyone, but it may also increase your sex drive and stamina. The new TestRX formula is the following:

Fenugreek – Fenugreek may help you lose weight. A 2010 study found this popular herb from India and the Arabic region helped 30 guys lose fat and boost testosterone. That testosterone had high bioavailability too, which means the body can use it more efficiently.

Vitamin D3 – Vitamin D3 is linked to 25% higher testosterone. Yes, it’s the sunshine vitamin, and assists with better calcium absorption, but this fat-soluble vitamin is also a testosterone booster, as evidenced by a 2011 study that found it increased this muscle-building hormone in 165 non-diabetic volunteers.

Vitamin K2 – Just call Vitamin K2 your testosterone preserver – a study conducted in 2011 found this group of compounds helped boost testosterone in the testes. It may also reduce bone loss, and appears to have cardiovascular benefits as well.

Vitamin B6 – One of the B vitamins, Vitamin B6 is responsible for a variety of health functions in the body. A 1984 study suggests it influences testosterone and other steroid hormones, possibly by recycling receptors from the nucleus to cytosol after initial translocation.

Magnesium – Magnesium may be the ultimate energy drink – it’s the second most common electrolyte in the body and helps deliver oxygen to your muscles. This is strengthened by a 1998 study which found this essential dietary mineral ‘substantially’ reduced time for extreme athletes to finish triathlon-like training.

Magnesium appears to alter how the body uses glucose when exposed to extreme physical stress, so athletes have better performance when things get real. Additionally, it’s linked to increased strength as well.

Zinc – You know zinc as an aphrodisiac, and indeed, this is what helps make TestRX a virility booster. But zinc is poetry for your testosterone too, according to a 2006 study which found this essential micronutrient helped wrestlers get their T back after exhaustion. More enjoyable, a 1981 study shows zinc makes guys more, uh, ‘randy’ and ‘capable’ in the bedroom.

D-Aspartic Acid – You have no idea the power of D-Aspartic Acid. This amino acid boosts testosterone and then some, according to a 2009 study, which found D-AA boosted testosterone, HGH and Luteinizing Hormone (LH). That translates to fun in bed, according to another study – this one in 2012, which found D-AA boosted testosterone in guys between 30% and 60%.

Virility increased as well in that study, in case you were wondering.

In short, TestRX bodybuilding supplement is made with high-octane natural ingredients that boost testosterone and increase muscle growth, boost strength, help guys lose weight and recover faster. Consider it your legal edge for testosterone in the gym – TestRX can give you sex and muscles. If you’re man enough to claim that edge, step up and order TestRX now.

Click Here To Get TestRX!

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Erectile Dysfunction

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Erectile Dysfunction

Defined as the inability to maintain or sustain an erection, Erectile Dysfunction, or ED, may be just temporary or the symptom of something greater. Either way, with so many different ways today to cure the problem there is no longer any need to ignore it, hoping it will go away. The real danger erectile dysfunction poses is to a man's quality of life, affecting his self-esteem and relationships with family, friends, co-workers, and especially sexual partners.

Erectile dysfunction affects most men at one time or another in their life and the chance of occurrence only grows with age. A 1999 survey conducted by the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) reported that 22 out of every 1000 men sought help for ED. That's 2% of the population! And almost 50% of men between the ages of 40 and 70 experience difficulties getting or maintaining an erection.

The first important factor is determining if the dysfunction is caused by physical or emotional issues. The only way to test if the problem is physical or psychological is by excluding physical diseases that may be at fault.

The majority of long-term erection difficulties are caused by some sort of physical ailment. The most common are vascular disease, which is the hardening of arteries, certain kinds of prescription drugs, and fatigue. These are just a few examples though in a long list. In these cases, blood is unable to surge or remain in the penis.

While approximately 70% of ED cases are physiological, the other 30% are caused by psychological factors. These factors include, but are not limited to, stress, depression and loss of self-worth. This sort of dysfunction starts with the brain.

The difficulty may be either long-lasting or temporary. Either way, it's an embarrassing problem that can be easily avoided in the future. There are many different methods to cure erectile dysfunction, both medical and non-medical. It's important to remember that any sort of treatment should be used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle. Drugs, alcohol and smoking play a part in ED.

Medication prescribed by a doctor is common, either oral or injected directly into the penis. Medications like Viagra have helped thousands of men across the country, but also have adverse side effects including nausea and dizziness and are incompatible with certain medications. They must be taken about an hour before sex is possible. Surgery is another method, but is expensive with a long recuperation period. Surgery involves prosthetic implants, or a pump inserted into the genital area that the male would have to pump before sexual intercourse.

Therapy, penis pumps, and herbal supplements are three non-medical methods of curing ED. Therapy, with a registered sex therapist or other mental health professional, is quite effective in cases of psychological-caused ED, but not in physical cases. Therapy tends to be a long process, and some men are embarrassed to talk at length about their sexual problems. Penis pumps are used by inserting the penis into a tube and using a pump until erection is achieved, at which point a ring is rolled onto the base of the penis to keep the erection hard. It works, but the pump must be used each time before intercourse and doesn't address the real problem, only acting as a temporary fix.

A safe and easy method is herbal supplements, like VigRX Plus™. These supplements are made from organically-produced plants chosen for their aphrodisiacal that have been used for hundreds of years in different parts of the world. Herbal supplements are completely free of side effects and deliver quick results. The user can stop the treatment at any time with no adverse effects. Herbal supplements not only address the physical, but the psychological factors as well, as it increases libido.

It is important to talk to your doctor before undergoing any sort of treatment.


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